Book a Virtual Party: Name * First Name Last Name Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Character(s): Arabian Princess Bayou Princess Beauty Cinderella Ice Queen- F1 Classic Ice Gown Ice Queen- F2 Adventure Outfit Ice Queen- F2 5th Spirit Dress Ice Princess- F1 Travel Dress Ice Princess- F1 Coronation Dress Ice Princess- F2 Adventure Outfit Latina Princess Mermaid Princess- Classic Shells+Fin Mermaid Princess- Parks Ballgown Rapunzel Snow White Spider Hero Wayfinder Princess Preferred Date of Video Call: * MM DD YYYY Preferred Time of Video Call: * All Times are CST Hour Minute Second AM PM Length of Video Call: * Select 30 Minutes (1 Character): $75.00 30 Minutes (2 Characters): $120.00 Child's Name and Age: * Has Your Child Met This Character(s) Before? If So, Where? Is this a Birthday Call? * Select Yes No Other Children's Names and Ages Who Will Be Joining the Call (up to 10 count): Special Requests/Comments: We will be using Zoom as our video chat software. You may access this from your phone or desktop through a link we'll send you through a Calendar Invite. You do not need to download this software to access the video. Do you have any questions or concerns? Other Emails to send Zoom Link To: How Did You Hear About Brittain's Princess Parties? * Thank you for completing the Virtual Party booking form! We will email you shortly to confirm the time and character(s) you selected are available. We will then send you a send you a PayPal invoice for the balance owed.